Thursday, September 13, 2007

Okay, so that last post didn't include my video - which stinks. Maybe I'll try it again later, but for now, I need to vent.

I just got out of a 2 hour long IEP meeting. An IEP is an Individual Education Plan for kids who have special learning needs - ie. Special Ed. This particular kid has some issues, not the least of which is his MOTHER. She cried throughout the meeting and basically told us in the end that she would continue to enable him by not making him come to school for 1st hour, which is when I have him. Grrrr. I could go into further detail, but honestly, it won't do me any good and it certainly won't solve the issue. I'll just use this analogy/simile:

This kid and his mom are like a dog and his owner - if I let my dog shit on the floor and don't reprimand him for it, he'll continue to do it because he doesn't know any better. Then, I send my dog to puppy school and expect the trainer to teach him everything he needs to know, which she does, but then when he gets home I still let him shit on the floor. He'll still be shitting on the floor in a year or two or three, regardless of what happens with the trainer at puppy school.

I've got a couple more analogies that work too, but I'll spare you the bitching. Seriously, teach your kids not to shit on the floor at home AND at school, thank you very much.

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