Saturday, September 22, 2007

If you are into young adult lit, love Sherman Alexie (Smoke Signals) have an interest in Native American culture, or are looking for a fun, quick read, check out The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian.

Alexie has a great voice and a cutting wit that could be construed as flippant and or offensive, but it's right up my alley. He is a Spokane Indian and writes from a point of view which is hard to argue with. He has written numerous essays, scripts, short stories and novels that all deal with the difficulties of living as a Native American in a country that seems to have forgotten what was done to their land's original inhabitants.

Yeah, the book'll be banned for some subject matter and language (naughty words like "shit" and some things sexual in nature,but not at all out of the realm of most normal teens), but for anyone who has worked with Native students, it's an important book. I read this little wonder in one night - a school night.

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