Sunday, June 22, 2008

I saw this article on MSN yesterday, with the title of "5 Recession Proof Jobs" so I checked it out. Guess what one of the jobs was? That's right - teaching. Recession proof my ass. I couldn't believe that whomever wrote this article was such a moron. This is what I posted on the message board in response to the ding-dong who didn't do enough research before writing an article which pops up on the MSN homepage:

I'm not sure who compiled this article, but I'm pretty sure they didn't speak with any teachers who are fairly new to the profession. If you can stay in your first job long enough to get tenure (3 years with continued contracts, at least in Minnesota) you are an anomaly.

I am lucky...I'm just beginning my third year at the same school and hope to be tenured after next year. However, my husband is at his second school in 4 years. And your tenure time does not follow you - for instance, you can do three consecutive contracts, but if you are not renewed for the fourth (when you would be granted tenure) you do not start over again at your next school, should you be lucky enough to find another job. My husband has been looking for months and has only landed one interview.

The only job security with teaching is that you can make it through the year with your contract (unless you are a complete moron, like to hit on kids, etc.) and will get paid through the summer. If you are lucky, you'll find out in May or June (at the earliest...our contract calls for untenured teachers to find out by July 15th at the latest) if your contract is getting renewed. That's not job security at all.

My husband just found out a week and half ago his job was being cut because of the budget - the state didn't increase funding for years, gave about a 1.5% increase this year (like that keeps up with inflation, huh?) and because of the past cuts or lack of increases, it's caught up with the school. Additionally, my district is also in the red for the second year...which means my job could be on the line next year...luckily I have a few people under me. And that's including already teaching most classes with 35-42 kids. Try correcting 42 papers for ONE class - multiply that times 3, include the fact that it takes approximately 20-30 minutes to properly do the math.

One bright spot - being unionized; not that it does anything if you get pink slipped because you are the low man on the totem pole, even if you are a highly effective teacher in comparison to the 30 year vet who is just treading water for a few more years to squeeze out that last bit of retirement money.

However, if you are a math or science teacher - this is all null and void - because they can't seem to find those types at all.

Oh, and did I mention the sweet pay we get for dealing with kids telling us to f-off, the knives, the gang bangers and their bandanas (right or left wrist and red or blue tells you which gang they belong to) and their parents who blame you because their 18-year old kid can't read after you've had him for six weeks?

Yeah, it's a sweet recession-proof gig all right.

Don't get me wrong. I LOVE my job. I do; I love literature, reading it, talking about it with my kids, and seeing the affect it can have on their lives. I love seeing that light bulb go on in their heads. I love how they come back to bring me donuts after they've graduated. I love when they bring in their babies (although they are too young to be having them). I love having an IMPACT. In fact, I'm heading off to some grad parties right now. But I LIVE my job, and when an article like this is posted and it makes it sound all sun-shiny and recession proof, well, that tells me that someone did not do their homework.


Richard Jennings said...

There are still good posted on the web but since sites like Monster, careerbuilder and the others charge employers to post jobs, those sites dont have all the postings anymore. I found some free sites that feature high paying jobss

Go for it!

Ragged Around the Edges said...

You go, girl.