Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Update on Adam's job search:
He had an interview in a neighboring community today for Jr. High ALC. It's the perfect transition for him to a 'real' district - one with a chance for tenure, accountiblity for the leadership, and a much more solid job overall. Plus, it's only 15 miles away. It's the next best thing to him getting work at my school, which is seeming increasingly unlikely as his coworker from the Recovery School who only has one year of experience (mostly in IT - he only taught a few elective courses) got one of the two jobs here at my school. Adam couldn't even land an interview for that. But Adam's daddy is not a big-wig in the community. There is another job here which just closed on Friday, but I'm not thinking he'll get an interview for that either, as it is now Wednesday, and the job he interviewed for today also closed on Friday. They called first thing in the morning on Monday for that interview.

He says it went very well. His last interview about three weeks ago also went very well, but they called and told him he was the 2nd choice. What a shitter. We also heard through the grapevine (friend of a friend) that he was in the top 10 of over 90 applicants (of those who were qualified and meet minimum standards) in another neighboring community, although we don't know if they have called for interviews yet and if he will be among those interviewed. At least they are considering his applications, which is good.

God, I hope he gets another job so we can begin to heal. I am so angry at his director. On top of it all there is an article in today's paper where he is lying through his teeth, makes no mention whatsoever of how they are SCREWING their staff (giving large pay cuts but increasing the number of student contact days by 30), and that they let a staff member go. There is a comments section where you can write on the online version of the paper (which has been pretty heated lately, especially on gas prices, dems vs. republicans, etc) and call this asshole out. The issue with this is the fact that all the meetings have been closed and no one is supposed to know what I know, so it will be obvious that a staff member or spouse did it. But, oh how I want to call him out for his lies, his deciet, and for letting an amazing teacher slip through the hands of a school that needs all the help it can get.

In other news, our neighbor is an asshole. More to come on this later.

I just realized I sound like a total bitch. Hmmph. So be it. Maybe I am, but I get shit done.

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