Wednesday, June 25, 2008

As promised, here are photos from the 2008 State DFL Convention the first weekend in June. Anytime you stay up until 3:00am talking politics and sharing beverages, it's a good time. We also voted on new platform issues, decided on the at-large delegates to the DNC in August in Denver (I WISH I could have thrown my name in the hat, but it's way too much money and it's the week before school starts), and we nominated a Senate candidate: Al Franken! There was another fine candidate, Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer, who Alan from my delegation strongly supported. But he accepted the loss gracefully and we're full steam ahead! I've been very busy with my new role on the County Executive Board and now as the database and volunteer coordinator for Kory's campagin. I love politics, but only from behind the scenes, although I do get all hot for Robert's Rules.

Me: Day One, Purple Delegate Badge.

My new friend Mandy. She's also active in the local DFL unit and it was great getting to know her during the convention and walking in some parades over the last few weeks with her.

Yeeeaaaaahhhhaaawww: Howard Dean! Sorry for that secret service guy's dumb head.

Night One: Michelle and Mandy with Al Franken at his party. How come I'm the one taking the picture? Aren't they ridiculously cute?

Me during the 5 minute demonstration period for Al before the vote on Saturday. We made an ass-load of noise and it was all coming from the floor (delegates) versus Jack's noise which came primarily from spectators (non-delegates). Al won with one ballot (over 60%)!

Making nice and trading buttons. Alan and I ribbed one other all day long about our respective candidates, cracking jokes about switching sides. Notice the silly number of buttons I have on my lanyard. Out of control!

Former Senator Mark Dayton. He holds a HUGE unity party each election year at the state convention. Awesome food, free drinks, and cool blinky DFL buttons!

Current US Senator Amy Klobuchar - one of the only DFL-ers who can win in my county!

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