Monday, October 02, 2006

Week five. Another referral down, many more to go, I'm sure. I won't go into the sordid details about a crappy SpEd teacher who lets students cheat on tests by giving them the answers. I won't get into the details about the girl who tells me each and every day how many times she's been raped. I won't go into detail about the show 5 of us English teachers put on as the Spice Girls on "Dream Job" day. I won't go into detail how I didn't quite make it all the way to the Homecoming game since a bottle of really good Reisling got in the way. I won't go into detail about how crazy my room looks with project posters plastered over every spare inch. I won't go into detail how I ran for 8+ blocks to the homecoming float I was to ride on with a huge box of candy to throw, or even about the ride I got from a cop so I'd make it on time. I won't got into detail about my extra chatty AP class - so chatty that I had to make a new seating chart.

I will say how utterly exhausted I am, how contented I feel, and how much I'm really making a difference. I will say that I am in love with and in awe of my co-workers. I will say that despite the ups and downs of teaching, I was made for this job.

I am in full realization of the contradictions I've made with the above statements. Too bad.


Ragged Around the Edges said...

Oh, but even without the details, we get the big picture, don't we?

You were certainly suited for this.

Berne said...

You are indeed.